Ontario Curriculum
This is a great website if you are interested in practicing more sight words with your child or would like to try additional educational activities at home: Sight Words
Dr. Stuart Shanker is a professor at York University, who is currently studying and sharing research that he has done on early childhood education and self-regulation. Self-regulation is an area of professional focus for the FDK teachers at our school. This informative video helps to explain what self-regulation is and the importance of teaching it in the early years: Self-Regulation
Fine Motor Skills
It is very important for children to learn how to use their hands in order to become independent for activities such as eating, zipping their jacket etc...
Below are some activities you can do with your child at home....
1) Putting beads on a pipecleaner
2) Using clothes pins- children can practice putting clothes pins on a q-card or piece of paper

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