Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Important Information

What a fabulous first two days! We are excited to have your child in our classroom. Here are some important things:

Drop off and Pick up: During drop off, please drop your child at the Kindergarten gate closest to the front doors. Supervision begins at 7:45 and school begins promptly at 8:00. 

During pick up, please stand outside of the kindergarten fence closest to the gate by the front doors. When we see the parent/guardian has arrived,  we will walk over with your child to the gate to be picked up by you.

Communication Bags:  It is very important that your child brings his/her communication bag back to school every day.  Please empty your child's mailbag every day as well. 

Indoor Shoes and Change of Clothes:  Thank you to the parents that have sent in these items.  Please make sure that everything is labelled.  Indoor shoes must be running shoes (as we do go to the Gym and outside for recess) and we suggest velcro. 

Snack and Lunches:  Our school is nut free. Please make sure you read the ingredients before sending it to school.

We recommend 2 healthy snacks (i.e., fruit, yogurt, cheese, crackers etc..) and 1 lunch. A reusable water bottle is also great to have. It may help to label each item with the number 1 to indicate snack and number 2 to indicate lunch. 

Book of forms and contact information sheet:  Thank you to the parents that have filled out these important forms and returned them. Please return these sheets as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.