Friday, 30 September 2016

Fabulous faces of Kindergarten

This week we worked on creating our self-portraits. We really took the time to look closely at ourselves in the mirror. We started by working with pencil, then outlined our faces with black Sharpie and ended off with watercolour paint. They turned out fabulous and are beautifully displaced in our cubbies!

Over the past few weeks, our students have been very interested in playing with dice. We decided to put various learning invitations with dice and other open ended materials such as cups and snap cubes for our math investigation time. After letting our students explore these materials, we introduced some math games in our small groups. 
Hidden Gem: We labelled 6 cups with dots and numbers from 1 to 6 .
How to play: One partner is responsible for hiding the gem under a cup. Once the gem is hidden, the other partner's job is to roll the dice, and choose the cup that was rolled. The partner keeps rolling until the gem is found.  
Great and fun way to learn how to read numbers. 
In your child's mail bag, you will find our October calendar. This month, we are requesting that our special helper brings in something that starts with the first letter of his/her name. 

You will also find Scholastic book orders. Reading to and with your child is a great way to promote their literacy development. Scholastic offers a range of books in many genres. If you are interested in ordering books, please fill out the order form on the back of the flyer(s) and return them with a cheque payable to Scholastic Canada Ltd. Orders for this month are due Friday October 7th  You may also order online any time. 

Next Week: BBQ/Meet the Teacher: Thursday October 6th from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. We hope to see everybody then :) 

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